Kimbell Art Museum Expansion


Daniel Hammerman – Senior Project Architect / Project Manager at Renzo Piano Building Workshop

Status: Completed
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Client: Kimbell Art Foundation
Design: Renzo Piano Building Workshop in collaboration with Kendall/Heaton Associates
Team: Beck Group; Paratus Group; Guy Nordenson & Associates with Brockette, Davis Drake Inc; Arup with Summit Consultants; Front Inc; Pond & Co; Harvey Marshall Berling Associates, Dottor Group, Stuart-Lynn Company 
Program: Museum, Auditorium, Cafe, Retail, Education, Library, Parking, Park
Area: 100,000 SF

Expanding upon the original, revered Louis Kahn building was a balancing act. Not too close, not too far away. Not too tall, not too small. Humble on the outside, proud on the inside. Gravitas and levitas, grounded and flying, mass and lightness, solidity and transparency, cloistered and accessible. Scale, rhythm, clarity. Respectful dialogue. Listening, second guessing and iterating. Getting the most out of every material, every detail. Craftsmanship and performance. Glass, wood, refined concrete and natural light. Precision and poetics. Stubbornness and magic.


In 2008, Daniel Hammerman joined RPBW Genoa for schematic design, continued working with the team through design development, construction documentation, and eventually moved to Texas to lead construction coordination and execution onsite. At the Kimbell, Daniel cut his teeth on an exceptional project, all the while absorbing lessons from two masters—Renzo Piano and Louis Kahn.   

Expanding upon the original, revered Louis Kahn building was a balancing act. Not too close, not too far away. Not too tall, not too small. Humble on the outside, proud on the inside. Gravitas and levitas, grounded and flying, mass and lightness, solidity and transparency, cloistered and accessible. Scale, rhythm, clarity. Respectful dialogue. Listening, second guessing and iterating. Getting the most out of every material, every detail. Craftsmanship and performance. Glass, wood, refined concrete and natural light. Precision and poetics. Stubbornness and magic.

In 2008, Daniel Hammerman joined RPBW Genoa for schematic design, continued working with the team through design development, construction documentation, and eventually moved to Texas to lead construction coordination and execution onsite. At the Kimbell, Daniel cut his teeth on an exceptional project, all the while absorbing lessons from two masters—Renzo Piano and Louis Kahn.